Let us count our large blessings: Love, Health, Family, Friends, Resources (enough to pay our bills).
We are all gasping at the price rises at the grocery store, and appreciative that the gasoline and heating oil prices have subsided.
Thanks to the powers-that-be for these small favors.
We are planning for a garden this year... not big, but necessary. We're lucky to have the land and time.
I have two hives, rescued from a family who lost their bee-keeping father unexpectedly. I'm scheduled to get more this spring. Our Bee Group is thriving, and even growing.
We're puppy-sitting an adorable Airedale, 8-weeks old. He is the new baby for my adored nieces, S & A. Their Mom is a real Hero for taking on a baby-dog during Christmas. Wow!
We were delighted to see the new babies. Cecelia is on the East Coast now, so closer; Sophia came to visit at Christmas; Katelyn has almost outgrown her babyhood. They all take after their lovely Mothers! The generations roll on...
GT continues to work at her beloved Profession. Her work hours stagger me, and this is at a very humane Residency Program. Her Attending Physicians are mostly good, and interested in teaching the next generation of Doctors; however the behavior of a few is beyond appalling! Two and a half more years. This is subsidized volunteerism so she can learn as much as possible.