Saturday, April 30, 2005

Amazing!!! Clean House & Organized Garden!!

I've been looking for someone to help me get the house in order like RB and later CC have put the yard and farm in order. The place looks great outside due to their hard work. But the inside has been sorely neglected. It's the pits.
I used the rapidly approaching meeting of the Garden Club as a spur to clean the house, at first in the 'public' areas, but ultimately in the whole house, which has several 'Pits' used to store 'Stuff' and lots of dust and mildew.
I advertised on the radio chat and trading programs, my favorite listening in the AM and at Noon. I got lots of calls, most useless. One was intriguing. A Corrections Officer, female, looking for a second job. She's former military (Helicopter mechanic), has grown children and lives about 10 miles away (closeby in the country way). She can work interesting hours and has a grown daughter who'd like to clear our trails for the wood, which they use for heating. BG is flexible, and likes gardening.
She came, after the interview (most of the folks didn't show for their interview), and cleaned the basement apartment thoroughly, which it needed! While she cleaned inside I dismantled the outside porch on that level and pressure washed it and the furniture. Both jobs took 2 full days! What a mess.
Inspired by a clean lower level I cleaned the main level, except for the MBR, over the next week. I was moving slowly due to my cold the two weeks before. Work, rest, work...
The day of the Garden Club meeting was also my day to host the Mah Jong group. We had Mah Jong in the basement living room, and Garden Club in the yard off the downstairs porch. I'd bought out Walmart's snack aisle so we had lots to eat. Garden Club members hadn't gotten directions to the farm, so only 8 out of 40 showed up. I did my Bees and Garden Program, and had a slide show going to show the differences between Honeybees and Wasps. Several scout bees showed up at the demo Hive.
BG came back Tues and Wed. We worked all day seeding and doing cuttings in the greenhouse on Tuesday (several days work for me). Wednesday she started on the Master Bedroom. That's a two day job, so she got through most of it. Sam's happy to have a fairly clean room. She's due back next week. Bless her!

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