Monday, May 09, 2005

Better than a Mink Coat!

RB came with his little John Deere and brought a load of really well rotted horse manure. OH MY !!!!! I wanted to roll in it it was so pretty... I LOVE good dirt.
There's at least two Tandem Dump loads full of it waiting to be hauled over. RB has promised to bring it all. I called Lori and raved over it thanking her for her generosity.
I think with RB and helper's labor hauling the dirt and all the other costs that these raised beds will end up costing the same amount that my Sis-in-Law paid for her sheared mink coat. I'd rather have the dirt! It's just as black and lush.
I found two huge worms as big around as my little finger and longer than my palm. Sweetie will have all the fishing bait he needs.
The plants already growing in the two beds are huge. Much bigger than I'm used to. The cabbage is heading up and I had to cut one head of broccoli because it was almost flowering. Peas are coming in now and I picked some more tender collard leaves. It's hard to keep up with the leaf lettuce. I wish some of those folks who want it would come pick.

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